

Welcome to 2012! I hope it’s been a good start for you. I’m trying to focus on some good, uplifting goals (not resolutions) for myself in the months ahead of me.

To start, I’d like to share an e-course that has been VERY therapeutic and uplifting for me. The second Creative Courage e-course began today. Last year I took the e-course and it was one of the best classes I’ve taken online or in person. For anyone who has a passion or is trying to find their passion, whether it be art, writing, cooking, photography, it really helps one grow and also get past some of your fears that hold you back from growing and spreading your wings. It’s a course that truly makes me feel good inside.

Stephanie Levy teaches the course in a blog format with the help of a number of expert guest artists that are different with each course. Stephanie’s an American living with her husband and family in Germany. Stephanie is a very talented artist and she’s extremely nice.

I’m sure she’ll be teaching again if you can’t immediately join this e-course, so keep this in mind, bookmark it and consider making it a goal for your 2012. I promise, you will not regret it.

If you have a creative way of expressing yourself or even if you’re needing to find a way to do that, this is an opportunity for you. And please don’t limit that way to just art or painting. It’s really in any creative way, just as long as we find it and pursue it. Singing, writing, drawing, painting, cooking, dancing, photography, gardening, anything! If you have no idea or think you have no creative bone in your body, this e-course will help and surprise you too.

So this is one of the ways I’m choosing to begin my 2012. The course lasts 7 weeks, but I hope I can carry its teachings with me throughout the year.

Here is where you can find out more about Stephanie:

Artists Who Blog
Poppytalk Handmade Artists
Stephanie Levy : A Studio With A View
12 Countries in 12 Months




I’d like to also say thank you (Mmmmm…can’t you just smell those paperwhite narcissus flowers? Thanks Mom!) for your patience during the holidays and thereafter. I didn’t expect to be so quiet on this blog, but I got a Happy New Year cold/flu. Then just as I was getting well from that, I took a nice and clumsy fall, but I’m kind of a klutz. So it’s been an interesting beginning to 2012. I’m on the mend, so no worries!